"Felsensicht" was inspired by the landscape surrounding the village of Ehrwald in the Tyrollean Alps of Austria where I spent a lot of my childhood.
The work explored the scenery and the local mythology through contemporary painting and sculpture.
Collaboratively created with the local sculptor Mario Gasser, it was exhibited at the Heritage Cinema Hall in Ehrwald after a 6 month residency at the Zugspitzatelier.
"Felsensicht" was inspired by the landscape surrounding the village of Ehrwald in the Tyrollean Alps of Austria where I spent a lot of my childhood.
The work explored the scenery and the local mythology through contemporary painting and sculpture.
Collaboratively created with the local sculptor Mario Gasser, it was exhibited at the Heritage Cinema Hall in Ehrwald after a 6 month residency at the Zugspitzatelier.
55 x 40 cm, Oils on Canvas, 2004
Seebenwasserfall II
74 x 88 cm, Oils on Linen, 2004
Sonnenspitze, Moosansicht
74 x 88 cm, Oils on Linen, 2004
Wetterstein Atelieransicht II
74 x 88 cm, Oils on Linen, 2004
Gartner Wand Triptych
3/40x 50 cm, Oils on Canvas, 2004
Seebenwasserfall Triptych
3/68 x 81 cm, Oils on Linen, 2004