"you are here" focussed on two different areas of Australia:
- one was the Pyrenees region in Victoria where I was living at the time, rolling hills and farmland, cold and greys skies through the winter.
- the other was a visit to Bon Bon Station in Outback South Australia, an old sheep station now owned by Bush Heritage Australia, which focuses on regenerating farmland back to its natural state before farming.
The capacity of the land to regenerate is incredible, and with good management and pest reduction, the mostly devastating impact of farming on this fragile ecosystem can be reversed.
The proceeds of the sale of one painting in this show were donated to Bush Heritage Australia.
If you would like to find out more about this amazing organisation please visit their website and consider to donate:
"You are here" was exhibited at Jackman Gallery in 2012/13.
"you are here" focussed on two different areas of Australia:
- one was the Pyrenees region in Victoria where I was living at the time, rolling hills and farmland, cold and greys skies through the winter.
- the other was a visit to Bon Bon Station in Outback South Australia, an old sheep station now owned by Bush Heritage Australia, which focuses on regenerating farmland back to its natural state before farming.
The capacity of the land to regenerate is incredible, and with good management and pest reduction, the mostly devastating impact of farming on this fragile ecosystem can be reversed.
The proceeds of the sale of one painting in this show were donated to Bush Heritage Australia.
If you would like to find out more about this amazing organisation please visit their website and consider to donate:
"You are here" was exhibited at Jackman Gallery in 2012/13.
Pyrenees landscape I - Saban's paddock at Mrangalli
183 x 137 cm, Oils on Canvas 2011
Pyrenees Landscape V - the track
91 x 107 cm, Oils on Canvas 2013
“Best Oil Painting” , Pyrenees Art prize 2013
Pyrenees landscape II - the creek
183 x 137 cm, Oils on Canvas 2012
Pyrenees landscape VII - Winter
152 x 121 cm, Oils on Canvas 2013
Bon Bon landscape
152 x 121 cm, Oils on Canvas 2011
Mallee tree shadow
92 x 107 cm, Oils on Canvas 2012
Bon Bon Landscape III
122 x 102 cm, Oils on Canvas 2014
Blue Bush Triptych
3/76 x 92 cm, Oils on Canvas 2011
Kapi Pulka V - Summer rain (Bon Bon Station)
183 x 137 cm, Oils on Canvas 2012
Two Shadows
92 x 107 cm, Oils on Canvas 2012
Pyrenees Landscape IV- Beyond Croaker's Dam
2/ 121 x 152 cm, Oils on Canvas 2012